As you go further into HIS mystic presence you bathe in the sacred fuel of HIS lust and evil. As you pray you cup your hands to catch the massive drippings of his cock…one drop filling your hands like a warm thick bowl of creamy oatmeal. You must summon the very essence of your balls as you pray to HIM …visualize your naked self kneeling in from of Satan…the shadow of his massive cock covering you. As men we must offer ourselves through the very essence of our sexual lust, desires and perversions. Many believe that to just simply acknowledge Satan is enough….it is not! Our prayers and offerings to HIM are based on and in our manhood, literally the power of our COCKS, BALLS, SEED and MUSCLE.
Blinded by your former indoctrination, it’s Lies, Guilt and Shame. When you come to Satan and begin to feel HIS GLORY you will be confused.